Monday, July 24, 2006

Hummer, RR Phantom & Pune

A pensioner's paradise or the face of an urban India tucked away in a secluded world of it's own? That was my conclusion after a 2 day 'reconnaissance' trip to Pune. The influx of IT companies have jacked up real estate and 'spending' power in the city. But what's funny is that as real estate is growing, the basic infrastructure in many pockets (read: roads) are yet to catch up with the pace. So in pockets like Aundh, Kalayani nagar, camp, the roads are decent but in University area or other areas, its not so good. A canary color Hummer that wizzed past me from the opp. end ysday, gives a totally different profile to this pensioner's city. (Btw, had there been no PMT bus behind me, I would have stopped my car in the middle of the road abrubtly, done a U turn and followed that Hummer to get a more closer look). Why only Hummer, the city also boasts of a Rolls Royce Phantom (out of the 6-8 cars sold till now, perhaps the only piece sold in Mumbai/Punce circle).

I found Pune more like Nasik - climate and infrastructure wise (houses/hills/cool environ, etc.). let's see how the new innings start in Pune. :)

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